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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

Spring Cleaning: De-Cluttering Your House can Have Positive Health Benefits

Do you look around your home with dread, questioning when you’ll find the time to organize the clutter? You’re not alone. As items accumulate, it can feel overwhelming, adding even more tension to already stressful lives which can also cause negative health impacts.

To help you start the de-cluttering process, UnitedHealthcare of Florida’s chief medical officer, Dr. Mayrene Hernandez looks to the Japanese and the idea of mottainai which translates to “don’t be wasteful.” This means living off what you need, using items to their full extent and paying respect to those items that bring joy. Studies have also shown this reducing “clutter stress” can also have positive impacts on your health such as the following:


  • Reduced stress: According to one study, people living in cluttered homes have higher levels of cortisol, the stress-causing hormone, in their bodies.
  • Deeper sleep: Decreased stress and clutter can mean improved sleep. The National Sleep Foundation found those who make their bed in the morning were 19% more likely to report receiving adequate sleep on most days. 
  • Productivity boost: Clutter cam be overstimulating and distracting. The number of items you can see affects your ability to concentrate. Eliminating clutter can help you work more efficiently which increases productivity. 
  • Healthier eating habits: A study found people with extremely cluttered homes are 77% more likely to be overweight. Emotional eating can be triggered by stress, so tidying your home can reduce stress levels which can help you avoid unhealthy snacks. 


Ready to tackle the clutter? Be patient. Clearing out your home will take time. Start with one room such as the kitchen, closet even a dresser drawer. Once you start, you’re likely to feel more relief and motivation to continue. Then, after your home is organized, maintain it. Put items back in their places to minimize a potential buildup of clutter.  


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