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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

Calendar of Events December 2022



Light Language Healing Circle - 7-9pm. At first you may not understand what is being said, but soon your heart will. Join Reiki Master and certified Reconnective Healer JoAnn Cooke to learn what this is all about, and how to activate this powerful energy. Light Language is the universal language of love, communicated via spoken word, song, dance, written symbol and other actions. It bypasses the logical brain and is interpreted through the heart. Each one will experience a light language healing communication. Come with an open heart and be prepared for a powerful transmission of healing to assist you where most needed. $20 donation requested. Attendance limited to 6, reservations 509-520-0377. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.


Gallery by Advanced Student Mediums - 7-9pm. On this night a number of our advanced student mediums will present a Spirit Messages Gallery, supported by two CMF Certified Mediums. Each attendee will have the opportunity to receive information from their spirit loved ones or guides, by the different styles of each student. Come and enjoy this informative evening.  $15 donation is requested. No reservations needed. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.


Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Tara Anne Muir, “Advent: the Arrival” The coming of a time of waiting and preparation. A closer look at the tradition and symbols of this season. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom. Go to Input: Meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota,


Full Moon Circle - 6-8pm. Come join Objects of Magic to learn the cycles of the Moon and how to tune into Moon energy and benefit from it, while laying out powerful Intentions setting. We need to be stronger than ever, committed to our success. Staying connected within our community to support each other. $35/pp. 3145 Southgate circle, Sarasota, the beautiful South Gate Community Center. Sign up:

Finding Your Superpowers - 7-9pm. Conducted by Stacey Ericson. Do you see things that are physically not there? Do you hear voices? Do you feel energy around you? Each and every one of us was born to complete a task, mission, purpose, and or to find a new way of being. In this class we will look at the many gifts we are born with to help us live in our own truth, and to progress through life with greater ease. Come discover and understand the numerous beautiful superpowers we each have to help us on our life’s journey. $20 donation is requested. We offer separated seating and masks optional. Reservations needed, call or text 941-232-5323. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.


In-Person Restorative Self Love Workshop for Women - 10am-1pm. This "Healing Her” Restorative workshop is for Her, with Her, because I am Her, and so are You. Includes gentle Restorative Yoga, guided meditation, time for reflection, journaling & more. Heartwood Yoga Institute is in Bradenton - 7.5 acres of beauty with award winning gardens. There will be time to enjoy tea and/or stroll the grounds in quiet reflection. Let us journey with the intention to heal. A Love-filled goodie bag to take home for all attendees. 3-Hour workshop/$35. Call Heartwood Yoga Institute to register 941-745-5719. Questions about the workshop, or to be notified of other events email [email protected]

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10-30, (no show December 12, 24, 25)

Discover Sarasota Tours - Celebrate the holidays with your family onboard Dolly the Trolley.  This NEW 75-minute holiday light and musical tour features a Christmas Carol sing-along, and musical performances by a cast of local performers: Kaylene McCaw, Debbie White, Liz Pascoe, Ren Pearson and Jason Ellis and a downtown holiday light tour. This special tour is filled with Sarasota Christmas stories, jokes, trivia, and heartfelt holiday cheer. Before boarding, everyone is invited to get into the holiday spirit with FREE Beer/Wine or Fizzy Punch (with champagne for the adults) while browsing through the Trolley Cottage Gift Shop full of fun holiday gifts and other treasures. Holiday outfits encouraged. This show is intended for adults (12+) and children (3-11). Ticket includes FREE Parking. Discover Sarasota Tours, 1826 4th Street, Sarasota, 941-260-9818. Book online at or email [email protected].

Soul Connection Psychic Fair - 11am-4pm. Come join us for a personal reading using Tarot and Oracle cards and Robert Austin is offering his various other modalities of spiritual connection, plus Crystal Bowl Healings with messages from guides or loved ones. We also offer Astrology and Numerology readings by Kathy Skeens. Colleen Panebianco is offering many Sauv'e natural, handmade essential oil products. $20/15 min. readings or healings. We offer separated seating with masks optional. No reservations needed. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-586-4797, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.

Mediumship and Healing Light Transmission with Rev. Nancy Lee Robinson and Caroline Crawford - 1-3pm. Come and join us for this special event of Spiritual Mediumship, Channeling and Healing Light Transmission with Rev. Nancy Lee Robinson, Medium and Pranic Healer and Caroline Crawford, International Medium and Master Healer. Receive Messages from Spirit, Divine Wisdom from the Council of Nine and The Federation of Light, along with an Energetic Healing for all. Cost/$30 ATD. Further information and/or to reserve your place, call/text 703- 589-5047. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County (UUFCC) - 10:30am. Guest speaker, Lisa Bratton, Program Liaison will catch us up to date on the state of homeless children in our county. The Families in Transition program provides students in the Charlotte County School District with resources needed to succeed in school. Every month, there are almost 50 new students who do not have stable housing and are supported by this program. Lisa Bratton. All are welcome! 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd, Port Charlotte, 941-627-4303,

Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Zan Benham, “The Christ Light Is Our Light” In this season of light, it becomes important for us to know, the inner radiance that all humanity carries. Acknowledging it enlightens us! In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom. Go to Input: Meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota,

Eckankar: The Path of Spiritual Freedom - 11am. Light & Sound Service - “Sing HU to Open Your Heart”. The service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul, for spiritual seekers of all faiths and religious backgrounds. It is an uplifting opportunity to reflect and connect with the divine aspect within yourself. Eckankar Center & Reading Room, 3650 Webber St., Unit F, Sarasota, 941-358-0325,


Sound Bath - 7pm. OM Singing Bowl Sound Baths help you reach a deepened state of meditation more easily, while being nurtured in a group energy that is rooted in unconditional love. Besides the enhanced meditation effects, your body will also absorb the beautiful, powerful crystalline vibrations of crystal singing bowls & other gentle sound therapy instruments, rich in harmonic overtones. With a professionally facilitated sound meditation by certified sound therapy practitioners, your mood can be lifted, and your ability to stay centered and at peace can improve! With renewed confidence, the day-to-day stresses can decrease, and your emotional weight can be lightened.  or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.  


“CMF Make a Joyful Noise” Holiday Event - 4-6pm. We have planned a variety of musical performances plus several singalongs of Christmas Holiday favorites. There will be homemade cookies, coffee, tea and lemonade. We invite you to bring your family & friends and join in the fun!! $10 donation is requested (children under 12 yrs. Free). Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-232-5323, Facebook is: CMF of Sarasota.

An Evening of Indian Classical Dances - 5-7pm. Nearly five years after a successful show at the Sarasota Opera House and the pandemic students of SaiNrityalaya School for Dance are excited to be back on stage to perform Indian classical dances ( Bharatnatyam) to celebrate an new beginnings.  SaiNrityalaya School has been teaching Bharatnatyam dance to students of all ages for more than 20 years in Sarasota.  Ths students have performed several productions in the past at Player's Theater and Opera House. Bharatnatyam is one of the oldest traditional dances of India. It's renowned for it's grace, sculptural poses and fast footwork. Come share the evening with us and join in the celebration! Indian snacks will be available for purchase after the show. Adults/$15, Students/$12. Riverview High School, 1 Ram Way, Sarasota, 941-780-6386,


Rev. Laura Randall of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee - 10:30am. Rev. Laura Randall will share support for asylum seekers in the U.S. with the Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum-Seekers (CAPAS) program which provides support for immigrants. We invite you to join us in this journey as we welcome a migrant family into our fellowship. All are welcome! 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd, Port Charlotte, 941-627-4303,

Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Kismet Weeber, “Faith and Patience.” Waiting silently helps one to receive the message of God. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom. Go to Input: Meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota,

Sound Journey - 3pm. Besides having a guided imagery and hypnosis induction (performed by our certified clinical hypnotherapist), Sound Journeys at the OM are very intentionally composed to take you deep into an exploration of your inner world. A group of experienced sound therapy practitioners and professional musicians use various rhythmic and melodic elements designed to lower your brainwaves into a theta state and keep you in a light trance. Their musical expertise inspires a whole voyage of imagery and invites resolution as they bring you back to conscious waking reality. Each composition is based on ancient shamanic techniques that have been used for centuries and updated with the latest in mind-body and neuroscience research. With the powerful intention of unconditional love, guided imagery, and waves of sonic channeling, you will be gently entrained into a state of deep calm, setting the tone for the expansion of consciousness, and triggering the body’s relaxation response and self-healing capacity.  or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota. 

A Troubadour’s Yuletide - 7pm. An evening with Bill Schustik, singer, storyteller, and musician, who brings us a unique gift with of songs and stories of the season.  These familiar songs are often enhanced by good ole fashion sing-a-longs. For some, this little gathering has become a cherished annual tradition. It is being offered as a fundraiser for Rising Tide International, at 5102 Swift Rd in Sarasota. Suggested donation at the door: $20 (or as affordable). Children with an adult, Free. For more information call Zan, 941-922-7839. 


A Winter Solstice Celebration, Fire Circle and Ceremony - 7pm. Located outside at the Labyrinth behind Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd. on this shortest day of the year. This is facilitated by Rev. Zan, Butterfly Deerwoman, with help from friends and participants from the Woman’s Meditation Group.  Bring a chair upon which to sit, drums, rattles, money to donate for upkeep of the Labyrinth at Unity, and bring if you have it, a battery lit votive candle to help shine your light. For info, Rev.  Zan, 941-922-7839. 


Winter Solstice Ceremony for World Peace - 7pm. Join us for this very special and powerful event where the Family of Light come together to hold the Higher World Vision for our Planet. We are the ones they are waiting for. Please come and add your Light! Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram. 


New Moon Mini-Retreat at Objects of Magic - Come sign up for this wonderful retreat located at Objects of Magic, 3145 Southgate Circle, Sarasota. We are organizing New Moon Mini Retreats in Beautiful Sarasota Monthly. Come Join us to learn the cycles of the moon and how to benefit from it, while laying out powerful Intentions. We need to be stronger than ever, committed to our success. $35/pp, sign up here:


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County Musical Holiday Eve - 5:30pm. Under the direction of Jim Boyle, Music Director. Join us for traditional and non-traditional performances by the choir, instrumentalists, readings, and sing-alongs, ending with silence & candlelight. All are welcome. 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd, Port Charlotte, 941-627-4303,


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County Opening the Gift of Joy - 10:30am.  UUFCC welcomes member Dennis Shaw to share heartfelt words on Opening the Gift of Joy. All are welcome! 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd, Port Charlotte, 941-627-4303,

Universal Service - 10:30am. With Rev. Liana Salima Rael, “Birthing The Light.” We can choose to participate in Creation’s birthing of light by turning toward and seeking the original memory in ourselves. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom. Go to Input: Meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota,


Singing Crystal Bowls for Personal Wellness Series - 3-5pm. During each two-hour class you will receive instruction for 45 minutes and enjoy a deeply relaxing sound bath experience for the additional 20 minutes. This allows your subconscious mind to process all that you are learning and makes memory retention easier. You will receive teaching materials with each class and The OM Shoppe provides you the use of a Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl. You simply bring yourself and the rest is taken care of for you. We ask that you do not bring your personal singing bowl, this is so we can ensure a harmonic experience when practicing at The OM Shoppe.  or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.  





Universal Service - 10:30am. Rev. Zan Benham and others, “The Burning Bowl and White Stone Ceremony.” This annual event helps us to let go of that which no longer serves us, and to focus on a directive to guide us through the coming year. In person at Rising Tide and on Zoom. Go to Input: Meeting ID: 830 1791 6524 / Passcode: RTI2021. This weekly egalitarian service celebrates all of humanity’s religions on a single altar. For info Rev. Zan, 941-922-7839. Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota,


"New Year - Honoring Your Intention” A Restorative Workshop for Women - 10am-1pm. LIVE In-Person - Join with other like-minded women in this 3-Hour workshop as we reflect on and say goodbye to 2022 and discern your intention for the New year. This workshop is all about honoring ourselves and the intention we want to set for ourselves. Includes gentle yoga, time for reflection, a restorative Yoga Nidra guided meditation & more. Heartwood Yoga Institute is located in Bradenton - 7.5 acres of beauty with award winning gardens. There will be time to enjoy tea and/or stroll the grounds in quiet reflection. No yoga or meditation experience needed, just dress comfortably and be ready to release, relax and restore. 3-hour workshop/$35. Space limited - call Heartwood Yoga Institute to register 941-745-5719. Questions or to be notified of other events email [email protected] 

FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2022 – NOVEMBER 19, 2023

Yoga Therapy Certification Program - Course meets monthly: Friday (6-9pm), Saturday & Sunday (11am-7pm) in a Zoom online format. Expand your career & job opportunities and work alongside medical health care specialists. Our graduates work in wellness centers, doctor’s offices, clinics and hospitals, schools, and universities, and as well as studios and gyms. IAYT Accredited Clinical Yoga Therapy Certification Program expands professional development for certified yoga teachers and prepares them to use yoga therapy to increase health and well-being in a wide range of settings, for diverse populations. The certification program is open to students who have completed a Yoga Alliance 200-Hour program or are health care professionals and is offered completely on-line to students who begin our programs in 2023.Yoga Therapy at AUM hOMe Shala is a clinical approach to blending the yogic wisdom of the East with the complementary medicine of the West. AUM’s Clinical Yoga Therapy Certification Program trains compassionate, knowledgeable practitioners who have a myriad of safe, scientifically validated, yoga-based tools at their disposal and a familiarity with the evolution of the teachings and philosophy of the yoga tradition and its relevance to support clients and work closely with medical professionals. Students are equipped with knowledge of the basic perspectives on health and disease from yoga and Ayurveda relevant to the practice of yoga therapy, as well as knowledge of categorizing illness, including development/evolution of disease, and setting priorities: symptoms/pacification (short term) and purification/strengthening (shodhana). The certification is comprised of 905-Hours of instruction and consists of two separate courses, a 401-Hour Clinical Yoga Therapy Foundational training course ($4,600) and a 504-Hour Clinical Practicum course ($6,900). These two courses may be taken separately or simultaneously. Students who complete our 401-hour Foundational Yoga Therapy course are equipped to offer yoga therapy protocols working alongside medical health care specialists and are eligible to receive a Yoga Alliance RYT300 designation. Our Clinical Practicum course offers hands-on practicum experience so that students are equipped to work with a wide range of demographics. Our yoga therapists-in-training study, design, and deliver yoga therapy applications for specific issues, such as chronic pain, cancer, neuro-motor degenerative disorders, and mental health, to name a few. 2 courses make up the certification, ($4600/$6900) total certification cost: $10,500. AUM hOMe Shala Yoga Therapy, 305-441-9441,



OM Shamanic Sound Journeys with Resonance - 4th Sunday of every month. Sold out for over 2 years! You will experience a blend of, shamanic drumming, rhythm, crystal singing bowls, rattles, tuning forks, vocal toning, electric violin and more in a coordinated and orchestrated fashion to help improve participants well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapist Beth A Snyder begins your journey by gently inducing a hypnotic state. Then your journey into sound begins. Consider your intention now. Tickets: or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.  

Meadows Farmers Market - 10am-2pm. Enjoy organic and local farm produce, one-of-a-kind items from local entrepreneurs and artisans, a variety of delicious foods, music from local musicians all supporting wellness and the local economy. Lots of things to do for the kids too. In the Meadows Shopping Village parking lot in front of 5041 Ringwood Meadow - Bldg G-2, Sarasota. For more information, please call 941-315-7773,  or on Facebook: Meadows Farmers Market.

Unity of Sarasota - 10-10:15 am - Meditation, Celebration Service - 10:30- 11:45am. In person and livestream at under the services tab. The Sunday Celebration service includes a relevant talk and lively music. Youth Ministry Program, 10:30-11:45am. 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, 941-955-3301,                            

Sunday Service at CMF - 10:30am. At each Sunday morning service, we are offering spiritual healing, an inspirational talk, messages from spirit, special music and an ever-important environment of fellowship. Leave refreshed and inspired to start the new week. We feature a variety of speakers and spirit message bearers throughout the year. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Dr., Suite 204, Sarasota, 941-266-8435, Facebook: CMF of Sarasota. 

Cosmic Center Sunday Sabbath Services - 10:30am. In person and on Zoom. Join our rotation of reverends every Sunday as we connect with our Family of Light. 1st Sunday - Open Heart Divine Healing Service with Rev. Sharon-Elizabeth (Baba Sharone). Through the Divine Names of God and conscious intention we create the Sacred Space to connect to the Healing Power of the Divine. Expect MIRACLES! 2nd Sunday - A Channeling of Dimensions of Love with Rev. Nancy Robinson. She will Uplift, Guide, Inspire, Heal and help promote Peace and Harmony in the Heart. 3rd Sunday - with Rev. Robin Richardson who will bring little known wisdom and answers from her vast knowledge of Ancient Wisdom from Ancient writings from all over the world. A new topic each Sunday. 4th Sunday - Ecstatic Kabbalah with Rev. Annie Eng - Anchored in Kabbalah Tree of Life Ceremony and Wisdom. This Service helps you align with the Higher Wisdom and Blessing that is available to all of us. Love Donation. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333,

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County -10:30am. Sunday morning service.  We are a lay-led fellowship providing meaningful worship. We provide a welcoming space and time to explore what we find worthy in a variety of faith experiences. This month's theme is change. Check the website for Sunday's speaker and topic - guest ministers, community folks, and members. Bring your whole self: your full identity, your questioning mind, and your expansive heart to 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd in Port Charlotte or visit

Universal Service - 10:30am. Each Sunday with a rotation of Reverends. This is a weekly egalitarian service which celebrates all of humanity’s religions together on a single altar. It is a place where East meets West, offering opportunities for spiritual growth and sharing. At Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd., Sarasota, and on Zoom: 8049 Password: RTI2020. for info Rev.  Zan, 941-922-7839.

Sunday Morning Celebration Service, Zoom Live - 11am. Join us as we come together as a spiritual family and community, sharing our love and light for ourselves, for each other, and the world. Be a part of sharing the energy and illumination of our hearts and souls together through conversation, music, meditation, a talk and an affirmation. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977,

Yoga and Temple Fusion Bellydance Class with Akasha - 7-8:30pm. Total beginners, all bodies and genders welcome. If you're supportive of your other dancers, then we'd love to have you. Awaken The Divine Feminine within and learn to dance like a Goddess! This powerful form weaves in sacred dances from around the world along with sacred geometry, mudras (hand gestures) and energy healing. Pre-registration required. $20. To register call 941-312-5630 or go to  Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota.

Metaphysical Classes and Healing Circle with Wendy M.Ed. - Rev. Wendy, M. Ed. (speaker, dowser, medium, 25+ years) is well known for her lectures in New England. Topics to be discussed: Psychic Skills, Dowsing, Shamanism and much more. $3 donation. Also doing workshops and one-hour lectures. Location: Clark and Approach/Gant, Sarasota. More info, 860-966-5351, [email protected].


Resident Medium, Pranic Healer and Spiritual Counselor at The Cosmic Center - 1-5pm., beg Dec 5th. Rev Nancy Lee Robinson is available by appt only at The Cosmic Center for Spiritual Counseling, through Medium/Intuitive Readings, Pranic Healing, Aura & Chakra Clearing, Inner Child Healing, Past Life Regression and Restorative Release (emotional release). These sessions guide you on your spiritual path, releases Energetic, Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Blocks that keep you from moving forward and raising your vibration to higher levels. Other times available by appt only – call/text 941-313-0418 or at [email protected]. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

"Health & Nutrition" - 10-11am. With Fred Harvey, MD of The Harvey Center for Integrative Medicine. Health & nutrition is a live call-in or email "Ask the Doc" health show from 10-11 on WMNF 88.5FM public radio Tampa. Email questions to [email protected]

Cosmic Center Tai Chi - 1pm. With Reuben Fernandez. The main principle of tai chi is internal relaxation. Tai Chi is known as an internal martial art. The power and energy do not depend on muscle power, strength or speed, rather power comes from internal relaxation and release of Chi. In this class we will focus on developing a tai chi body, the basic warm up exercises, the Chen form, as well as Chi Gung for its health benefits. In person, $10/class. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Free Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Through New Year’s - 5:15-6pm. We want to offer kids a safe space to tune in to their mind, body and soul. After the hurricane and missing so much school and their friends and experiencing fear we hope to help these kids get back on track mentally, emotionally and physically. Free. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568,

Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes:  Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes - movement lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. Register with Bonnie at:  

Unity of Sarasota Pub Theology - 6:30-8pm, the 2nd Mon. of the month. With Rev. Amy Zehe. Bring your Spiritual questions. We are meeting at the Olive Garden in the Landings. 941-955-3301,

Cosmic Center Anchoring Light Transmission Meditation - 6:45pm. With Baba Sharone. A call to all Lightworkers. The Anchoring Light Transmission Channeled Meditation has been a gathering point for Lightworkers and Planetary World Servers to come together and assist in the Ascension of our Planet and all Her life in cooperation with our expanded Family of Light. As Anchors of Light, we take our important role in the Spiritual Hierarchy to manifest the Divine Plan of Love, Light, Peace and Oneness to our planet. Participants who serve in anchoring this Celestial Radiant Light Energy from the Ascended Realms benefit from the wisdom, guidance and grace that flows from it which brings forth healing, peace and Accelerated Spiritual Growth. In Person and Online. Love Offering. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Learning to Connect Classes at CMF - 7-9pm. Join Susan Houliston and/or experienced guest instructors every Monday & Tuesday to learn techniques for connecting with Spirit. Students are given the opportunity to practice lessons to develop their skills while exploring various modalities. $15 donation is requested. Please refer to the CMF website for the description of the programs offered for each weekly class. We offer separated seating with masks optional. Reservations needed, so call or text Susan at 941-266-1696. Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 3231 Gulf Gate Drive, Suite 204, Sarasota.  


Cosmic Center Restorative Stretching - 12:15pm. With Danielle Nance. Learn how to gently relax the muscles, loosen the joints, strengthen the tendons and ligaments, as well as fortify the bones. The goal of this special stretching technique is to move the Qi (life force energy), enhance circulation, and ease the body into a nourishing state of relaxation and wellbeing. In Person, $10/class. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Free Reiki Healing & Meditation Circle - 6:15-8:15pm. Join us at for an unforgettable Inspirational Meditative & Healing experience with 2 Reiki Masters: Victoria & Lorald (­40+ yrs of combined pro experience). Victoria is a traditional Reiki Master/teacher for 30+ yrs., clinical hypnotherapist, master of NLP, pranic & theta healer, medical intuitive and inspirational speaker. Release stress & walk away energized. You'll be glad you did! Love Offerings accepted. In the Sarasota- Bradenton area, must RSVP for location each week, text preferred: 702-482-3719. Also offering Reiki II Degree training on Nov 13th & 14th in Bayshore Gardens. MUST have proof of Reiki I to qualify. For details & full Curriculum, visit To Register, Call/text 702-482-3719. 


Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 11am. Online! Awareness Through Movement classes:  Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes - movement lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. Register with Bonnie at:  

Free Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Through New Year’s - 5:15-6pm. We want to offer kids a safe space to tune in to their mind, body and soul. After the hurricane and missing so much school and their friends and experiencing fear we hope to help these kids get back on track mentally, emotionally and physically. Free. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568,

Cosmic Center Enoch Study Group - 7pm. With Kim Converse. Join Enoch Study Group facilitator Kim Converse for the study of “Key 405 - We Are The Family” written by Dr. James Hurtak. With this teaching we begin to understand how we are part of a greater cosmic family that is multi-dimensional in reality and function. The book also speaks about how each soul is part of the family of God and we are now being introduced to our cosmic brothers and sisters as well as our inheritance as we realize planet earth is but a mere steppingstone to eternal life in the greater universe. Online Zoom only, $5/class. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Intuitive Practice Circle - 7pm.Come join our new weekly group for those interested in deepening their psychic abilities, healing gifts and are looking for practice space. Topics may include Card Divination/Tarot/Oracle, Pendulums, Chakras, Clair Senses, Dreams, Astral Traveling, Numerology, Psychometry, Channeling, Past Lives, Guardian Angels, Auto-writing, and more. You must pre-register at  to attend. Visit us at Wild Ginger Apothecary 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota, 941-312-5630. 

OM Crystalline Vibrational Immersion - 7pm, every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Join us for this beautiful form of deepened relaxation! The OM Shoppe professional Sound Therapy Practitioners bring you these beautiful multi-instrumental sound baths to guide you into a deepened place of stillness and peace. Discover the magical way that sound can help ease you into a meditative state, and heightened mind-body awareness! Tickets:    or call 941-706-3257. The OM Shoppe 4801 S. Tamiami Tr #5 Sarasota.

Unity of Sarasota - 7pm. First Wednesday’s music, prayers and donations for Ukraine. See Website: for Wednesday Night Special offerings.  3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301,

Healing, Intention and Meditation Zoom Live - 7:30pm (new time). Join us for a time of healing, connection and meditation. Let us all come together and experience the energy and inspiration that can make such a powerful difference in our individual lives. Sarasota Center of Light, 852 S Tuttle Ave. 941-953-6620, or after hours 727-492-2977,


Kundalini Yoga Class on Holmes Beach - This is a great combination of cleansing breathwork, movement & meditation all together while gazing out at the beautiful sunset from Anna Maria Island. From the Public Beach parking lot, walk up beach just north of volleyball nets. Bring your blanket and a yoga mat and something if the weather is a bit chilly. (I am looking for indoor space for this class for the winter months TBD). This is a community by-donation offering. Please email Vicki for more information at [email protected].

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) - 6-7:30pm. Caroline and George Robertie. To register email [email protected]. 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, 941-955-3301,

Cosmic Center Gentle Flow Yoga - 6:45pm. With Stephanie Jarvis. Join Stefanie RYT 200 for a Gentle Flow Yoga class geared specifically for those new to yoga or those who are interested in a gentle practice. This class incorporates simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility. Breathing techniques and meditation is also integrated. Each class will end with an extended period of relaxation. No experience or flexibility required. In Person, $10/class. Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Cosmic Center A Course in Miracles – 7pm. With Rev Nancy Robinson. A Course in Miracles, scribed by Dr Helen Schucman with Dr Bill Thetford in the 1970s. It is a study program of spiritual psychotherapy designed to awaken in us the truth of our oneness with God and Love. Through the course one learns how the practice of forgiveness assists in releasing elements of the past with a willingness to follow higher guidance, cultivating a miracle-mindedness. Schucman is said to have received the material through ‘inner dictation’ from Christ. Online Zoom only, $10.Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light, 5041 Ringwood Meadows - Bldg G-2, Sarasota, 941-371-9333, Facebook and Instagram.

Quan Yin Meditation - 7pm. Come join Bridget McMullen, certified meditation teacher and practitioner, as she guides you through this peaceful meditation to cultivate compassion within ourselves, but also to spread to our world. You will learn some of the teachings of the ancient Goddess of mercy, compassion, and love. You will journal, and work with various energy tools to amplify your meditation experience. Bring a journal, your favorite crystal, and water to this meditation. You must pre-register at  to attend. Visit us at Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, 941-312-5630. 

Unity of Sarasota Bentley's House Pet Loss Support Group - 7-8pm, third Thurs of the month. Meeting in person at Fellowship Hall. Facilitated by Rev. Amy Zehe. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301.


Third Friday-Awakening Activations with Akasha Jen Smith PhD(c) - Awakening Activations are Divinely channeled group transmissions in alignment with The Highest Good. Each month we focus on a different topic like Joy, Abundance or Love. The Transmissions include Clearings, Healings, Sound Baths, Meditations, Activations and Messages specially channeled for our group. They have the capacity to awaken and attract gifts for you both in the moment and in the time after our gatherings. They're designed to meet you right where you are. We're all energy first so getting this aspect of your being cleared and upgraded regularly can create wonderful outcomes for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. With less energetic blockages and resistance in your system, you're more open to receive and manifest with ease and grace. You also get to come together and connect with like-minded souls. Pre-registration required. $33. To register call 941-312-5630 or go to Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota.

Akashic Records Readings and Multidimensional Light Transmissions with Akasha Jen Smith, PhD(c) - 12-5pm. Discover your past lives and soul contracts. Clear the past. Receive guidance and clarity for your life and soul path to make the best decisions now. These sessions are also deeply healing. Days often fill up so booking ahead recommended. $120/hour, $60/half hour. To book call 941-312-5630 or go to   Wild Ginger Apothecary, 6557 Superior Avenue Sarasota.

Unity of Sarasota– Friday Night Spirit Express - 6:30pm. 1st Friday – Kirtan;  2nd Friday – Movies;  3rd Friday – Drum Circle at Labyrinth,  4th Friday – check our website, 5th Friday - check our website. 3023 Proctor Rd., 941-955-3301.


Sarasota Farmers Market - 7am-1pm. Rain or shine. Established in 1979, the market continues its tradition of serving the community with local produce, plants, prepared foods and artisans. They currently have a full market that includes 70 vendors and 5,000 sq ft of produce and plants. 1 N Lemon Ave., Sarasota,  

Bradenton Farmers’ Market - 9am-2pm. Over thirty-five vendors offering locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants, organic products, fresh seafood, prepared foods, as well as the local artists, craftspeople and musicians. 400 12th St., W. Bradenton, 941-301-8445. 

Free Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Through New Year’s - 11:30-12:15. We want to offer kids a safe space to tune in to their mind, body and soul. After the hurricane and missing so much school and their friends and experiencing fear we hope to help these kids get back on track mentally, emotionally and physically. Free. Palm Studio and Boutique, 441 W. Dearborn Street Englewood, 941-208-5568,


COMPLETE ORGANIZING arranges: homes, offices, garages, storages, documents,and invites space, beauty, clarity and light into your life. 941-529-7741,, [email protected] 

HOUSECLEANING. Enjoy your free time and let us do what we do best: Housecleaning to your healthy satisfaction. Call Paula for a free estimate 941-320-4052. 

NURSE/OFFICE MANAGER FOR STEM CELL ORTHOPEDIC OFFICE. Part or full time. Exciting opportunity. Salary commensurate with experience and skill set. Assists procedures, marketing and running the office. Positive, fun environment. Must be mature, a team player and a self-starter. Good communication and organizational skills a must. Please reply [email protected] or text 941-376-3007.

SWEDISH MASSAGE. A full body relaxation massage that focuses on light to firm pressure to ease muscle tightness. Essential oils, hot stones, and a sugar back scrub are included. Call for appt. 941-302-1140. Nancy Evans Massage, 115 N. Tamiami Trail, STE 9, Nokomis. MA 66427                                                                                               

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression