Letter From Publisher May 2024

May ushers in a season of flourishing, with that balmy summer radiance just around the corner, and it’s a perfect time to consider which actions we’re taking to flourish in our own lives. With the onset of Women’s Health Month, this issue of Natural Awakenings will explore the holistic, intricate dimensions of wellness. From optimal nutrition and exercise, to hormone balance and reproductive care, to fostering connections with nature, there are all sorts of multi-faceted ways to nourish our well-being. Let’s have a closer look!
This month’s feature article is all about “The Road to Hormonal Harmony.” Our hormones perform a wide variety of critical functions—they influence our metabolisms, fertility, bone and muscle growth, sleep cycles, mood state, energy levels, and brain health, to name just a few examples. But these hormones can also be thrown off-balance as a result of medical issues, chronic stress, and certain lifestyle factors. In this article, we’ll discuss some natural, practical strategies to restore your own hormones to a harmonious state.
Next, our “Fit Body” article for this month unpacks the wellness benefits of dancing as exercise. This joyful form of movement promotes freedom of self-expression, relieves stress, boosts positive emotions, and enriches social connections. Not to mention, dancing can also enhance cardiovascular function, muscular strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. For those who don’t enjoy more traditional fitness regimens—or want to re-invigorate their usual workout routine—dancing offers a fun and vibrant path to wellness.
Finally, in honor of Women’s Health Month, we want to shine a light on the mothers out there. It’s a miraculous experience to bring life into this world—but the clinical birthing method is not for everyone. Our “Healthy Kids” article explores natural forms of delivery for expectant moms to consider, such as working with a midwife or doula. Whether a new mother wants to deliver at home or in the hospital, she should feel empowered to choose a birthing process and environment that prioritizes both her comfort and safety.
As always, this is just a quick taste of the enjoyment and enlightenment you’ll find within these pages. It’s an absolute pleasure to be on this continued journey together, and I hope you will join us right back here next month for even more holistic wellness inspiration!