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Natural Awakenings Sarasota / Manatee / Charlotte

Letter From Publisher June 2024

May 31, 2024 09:30AM ● By Janet Lindsay

Summer is here once again in all of its sun-baked glory! Across our beautiful Gulf Coast, poolside cookouts and beach vacations beckon. But as we immerse ourselves in all the fun this season has to offer, it’s also an invitation to prioritize our wellness. In fact, there’s no better time of year to start an outdoor exercise regimen, stock up on vibrant, wholesome foods at the local farmer’s market, and recommit to your own self-care. This issue of Natural Awakenings is all about Men’s Health Month, but the insights are for everyone. So, pour yourself a refreshing tropical fruit smoothie—and let’s dive right in!   

Our feature article focuses on the complexities of “Solving Mental Health Issues in Men.” Due to societal expectations or masculine stereotypes, men often feel like they must remain strong and stoic in the face of challenges, which could prevent them from seeking help. However, according to a report from the Survey Center on American Life, 15 percent of men have no close relationships, which can lead to all sorts of mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, loneliness, substance abuse, or suicidal thoughts. To combat this, men need resources specifically tailored to help them feel safe communicating emotions, accessing treatment, and creating a healthier, more nuanced view of masculinity. 

Next, we’ll discuss the link between holistic nutrition and cancer prevention in this month’s “Conscious Eating” article. The American Cancer Society estimates nearly 30,000 new cases of prostate cancer in 2024 alone, but consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods can lower those risk factors significantly. Focus on plant-based vegetables, fruits, proteins, and whole grains—some of the best cancer-resistant options include broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, grapefruit, tomatoes, beets, and Brussels sprouts. It’s also a smart idea to limit refined sugars, alcohol, processed meats, and artificial ingredients. These habits will help create a foundation for longevity and protect you from cancer or other chronic diseases.  

Both men and women are susceptible to muscle loss after reaching their 40s, so it’s crucial to preserve muscular strength and counteract deterioration at this stage in life. This month’s “Fit Body” article is all about the importance of “Building Quality Muscle” with a resistance training workout. Squats, lunges, rows, crunches, bench presses, and similar forms of exercise will help increase muscle tone, bone density, core balance, and range-of-motion. This can lower your risk of falls, injuries, limited mobility, or weakness as you age. 

I hope this content piques your interest for all the wellness inspiration that awaits you in our latest issue. As always, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you for coming back here each month and letting us be a part of your commitment to holistic living. Enjoy this first month of summer, and we will chat again soon in July! 

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