Experience Sunday Services at the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light

The Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light offers Sunday services each week at 10:30 a.m., both in person and on Zoom. Each service is unique with a variety of spiritual insights from spiritually gifted ministers. From Gnostic Gospels and spirit messages, to healing and transcendent experiences, there’s something for everyone to benefit from.
Please join our rotation of reverends each week as we connect with one another in universal harmony and love. Rev. Sharon-Elizabeth will lead the first Sunday of the month; Rev. Nancy Lee Robinson will lead the second Sunday; Rev. Annie Eng will lead the third Sunday; and Rev. Robin Richardson will lead the fourth Sunday. All are welcome to attend these services, and love donations are sincerely appreciated as well.
Location: 5041 Ringwood Meadows, Bldg G-2, Sarasota. For more information, call 941-371-9333 or visit https://www.ccosl.com/ Follow the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light on both Facebook and Instagram to see upcoming events.