Letter From Publisher January 2025

Welcome back, readers! We’ve made it through another holiday season, and it’s time to embrace the fresh start of a New Year. As we step into 2025, we’re invited to renew, recenter, and reimagine our life journeys. Whether your goal for this next chapter is to nurture self-care, enhance your own wellness, deepen your connection to the earth, or set an intention for personal growth, this issue of Natural Awakenings is here to offer both inspiration and motivation as you take that step. So without further ado, let’s peek inside!
Our feature article for this month is all about “First Thoughts and New Experiences” through the lens of a Zen Buddhist concept known as, shoshin, or the beginner’s mind. This tenet encourages us to view life with an open heart, a curious outlook, and a sense of wonder. It also helps us release old patterns, false narratives, or harmful reactions, so we can consciously move forward into more beneficial possibilities. If you want to start 2025 with a beginner’s mindset full of excitement, optimism, and imagination, consider this your roadmap.
Of course, we cannot talk about fresh starts without mentioning resolutions! As a recent survey from the Pew Research Center found, almost 80 percent of Americans make goals to improve both their physical and mental health in the New Year—and one of the most effective, sustainable ways to accomplish that is through balanced nutrition. This month’s “Conscious Eating” article explores that often overlooked connection between foods we consume and the state of our moods. Nutrients fuel the brain just as much as they nourish the body, so if a mental tune-up is on your list of resolutions, this article has you covered.
Finally, the blank slate of a New Year can also create opportunities for joyful memories shared as a family. Our “Healthy Kids” article underscores the importance of love and laughter as cornerstones of secure relational attachment and formative childhood experiences. Kids who learn to cultivate joy tend to be more generous, thankful, resilient, and emotionally intelligent, this article points out. So as the calendar flips to 2025, be on the lookout for creative ways to instill some lighthearted moments in the next generation.
I am so grateful that you’re here with us to continue this wellness journey as we turn the page and embark on a fresh, new start. You are the reason our team at Natural Awakenings always strives to produce content that will enrich, enlighten, and entertain from one month to the next. Whatever 2025 might have in store, it’s an honor to step into it alongside you!