Singing the 72 Names of God

The Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light invites the public to join in the powerful work of the spiritual hierarchy for our sacred planet’s ascension. Everyone can use this spiritual tool for themselves, their loved ones, and all life on earth. This is an opportunity to align with the highest sacred sounds (frequencies) to uplift and connect with the celestial realms of light.
These divine sacred names and expressions—or mantras, as they are known in the East— are coded frequencies of light and sound that have been used since ancient times to raise consciousness, align chakras and establish direct communication with the hierarchies of light. These have been transmitted by the true prophets of the living God and are found in the holy texts of all cultures including the Torah, the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Quran, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the texts of Nah Hammadi, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Popol Vuh Maya.
This experience will begin on January 16, at 7 p.m., and continue on the second Thursday of each month. If you feel called to join in this powerful work, please wear white or light colors if possible. Plan to arrive by 7 p.m., and start at 7:15 p.m.
Location: 5041 Ringwood Meadow, Sarasota. For more information, call 941-371-9333, email [email protected] or visit